I am a PhD student at the Process En Institute of ETH Zurich, Switzerland. The topic of my PhD is to show the alternative drilling technique (i.e. flame-jet drilling) used extensively in the USA during the 30th and the 60th works in water filled borehole. At and time of its use ... drilling speed compared to conventional Beside the jet-drilling technique, I have interests in various topics such as: fluid dynamics (i.e. in the course of my Masters' Thesis back in 2012 I developped during 8 month an hybrid LES/RANS framework on the open source platform Openfoam). The idea of the former project was to reduce the computational costs of LES simulation by not refining the LES grid towards the walls. Indeed the LES grid was designed to resolve the flow in the shear-free region where velocity gradients are lower and does not need for a mesh that contains ... Unlike the LES mesh, the RANS mesh was refined towards the wall and the LES governing equations where force to the RANS values in this area. Until an optimized system was found, many tries and development were necessary and it appears that an undirect forcing approach coupled with variable LES/RANS interface following a factor performed best. Also take the opportunity to describe each work you performed with the students, and make their thesis available if they aggree! And also interest for control loops and
Besides my research, I am very dedicated to teaching. On the BSc-level, I teach the fundamental geological mapping techniques, such as drawing cross-sections and using the stereonet. On the MSc-level, I introduce the students to continuum mechanics, rheology, and finite-element modeling of rock deformation; the last is further deepened in an additional advanced block course. My teaching also takes place in nature. I am involved in a whole range of geological field excursions and courses, such as the introductory mapping course for BSc-students or the advanced structural geology course for MSc-students to name just two.
I also actively contribute to a healthy work environment. For example, I am the main organizer of the annual pre-christmas gathering of alumni, active members, and friends of the Geological Institute of the ETH Zurich (Geosynklinale) and I am the co-president of the mid-level faculty association at our department (VAME).
During my free time I like to do different sport : skiing, sailing, kite-surfing, climbing, swimming, jogging (particularly on steep trails in the mountains).